Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Mrs Bucket (pronounced Bou-quet) List

Have you heard of a 365 project?

If you haven’t, you should. I first heard about it a few years ago when a TV personality decided to take a quirky picture of himself every day for a year, and once he was done, he held an exhibition. I thought that this was an awesome idea and great way to waste time add more things to my busy day.

But after I did a bit more digging, I found out about 365 grateful. This is where people document (and take photos) of something they are grateful for everyday. I like this idea much more. And so for the last two years I’ve told myself, “You’re going to start your 365 project on 1 January,” but then every year I forget. I don’t have to start on 1 January, but it just seems like the best way to start a new year.

So while I wait 332 days until next year, I’ve decided to do a 30 before I’m 30 bucket list instead, or a Mrs Bucket (Bou-quet) list as my grandma likes to call it. Check it out!

Bronwyn’s 30 before 30 Mrs Bucket List:

1) Have a Baby
2) Make a (proper) quilt
3) Participate in a 5km (or ambitious 10km) run
4) Learn a new language
5) Ride on the Portsea to Queenscliff ferry
6) Read a book that is at least 500 pages in a single session, start to finish
7) Learn how to shuffle (LMFAO style)
8) Attend a Bikram Yoga class
9) Watch the entire Harry Potter movie series
10) Play 18 holes of golf
11) Learn to play the ukulele
12) Memorise the lyrics of a rap song
13) Fail, then try again
14) Learn to use a dSLR camera
15) Forgive the selfish, the insensitive and the hurtful
16) Go to a live recording of a TV show
17) Hike a big mountain for at least 5 hours
18) Attend the opera
19) Make 1000 origami paper cranes
20) Start a blog
21) Visit Tasmania
22) Grow my own herbs
23) Go without TV for a month
24) Dye (part of) my hair purple
25) Pay it forward – by either buying a stranger coffee, paying for a strangers meal in the drive thru, or taping exact change for a can of soft drink to a vending machine
26) Try stand up paddle boarding
27) Write at least 30 thank you letters to waiters, sales people, customer service reps
28) Get a tattoo
29) Go zorbing
30) Purposely leave 30 x one dollar coins on the ground

Now if you Google ideas for 30 before your 30, you will find a lot more physical feats, such as jumping out of a plane, or bungee jumping. And you will also find a lot of travel feats such as, walking the Great Wall of China, or climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. But since I am seriously time constrained with a) being 5 months pregnant and b) turning 30 in 30 weeks (what a coincidence!) I’ve had to soften the things that made the list.

But before I get any comments of, “you cant do such in such because you’re pregnant,” Frankie says relax, and don’t worry I haven’t forgotten. I couldn’t make everything on the list easy, I like a challenge, and I always perform better under pressure, so those things, such as Bikram yoga and getting a tattoo, will have to wait until after the baby comes, but before my birthday.

But since I like to be organised, I think I need some back-ups, just in case I cant complete some things on my list such as zorbing. My friends went to the Philippines last year and did it there, and I know you can go zorbing in New Zealand too, but does anyone know if I can do this Melbourne?

So give me your ideas in the comments on some back-ups that I should consider, or let me know what’s on your bucket list!

xoxo Bronwyn

P.S I can already cross off one item on my list, this blog!

20) Start a blog

Don’t you just love crossing things off your list? Now its 29 things to do in 30 weeks!

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